
PantaRei is a consulting firm based in London providing legal, commercial, structuring and strategic advice in the energy and commodity sector.
Our clients are utilities, commodity trading houses, suppliers, producers, municipalities, investments banks and other private and public institutions dealing with or operating in the energy and commodity sector, both in the EU and abroad. Based on our personal and professional experience, we understand that this sector is constantly evolving and changing – in terms of technologies, supply and demand markets and regulatory landscapes -, and  we work with  firms around the world  to ensure that clients are offered a tailored, comprehensive and cost-effective solution that fits them.
PantaRei means “everything is changing” and is an aphorism used to quote the philosophy of Heraclitus (535/540 B.C. – 475 B.C.)
“Everything is in flux and nothing abides
 everything flows and nothing stays fixed
 everything is constantly changing and nothing stays the same”