How we work

Our team offers more than 15 years of legal expertise in the energy and commodity sector. Having been part of and managed the legal departments of utilities, commodity trading companies, suppliers and investment banks we have gained insight of how these institutions operate and how the different department thereof –being this the front or back office, the treasury, the credit or the risk department- interact and co-operate in relation to bilateral transactions, trading on exchanges, introduction of new products and how the legal function cuts across all these areas. We have acquired a deep understanding of the precise, commercially-focused and time-sensitive legal support required for the different activities in the chain of production and/or distribution of commodities –from upstream extraction to downstream wholesale distribution and trading- and deliver hands-on and effective support to an existing legal department or to entities with no in-house lawyers.
We provide advice on specific issues, negotiate on behalf of a client or step in to replace members of the legal department on a temporary basis and deal with day-to-day work. We are able to work remotely or be physically present at the client premises if required.
Our breadth and depth of experience means that we supply valuable input on more strategic, structuring and commercial issues facing commercial organisations as well.
“Price is what you pay.
Value is what you get.”
Warren Buffet