Energy and commodity contracts / Shipping

Energy and commodity contracts / Shipping
PantaRei provides legal, commercial, structuring and strategic advice and assist in the negotiation of contracts and other legal documentation in the following areas:
  • Upstream energy:  oil & gas exploration, development, production
  • Midstream energy: oil & gas storage and transportation (including LNG)
  • Downstream energy: oil&gas, LNG and chemicals non-retail marketing and refining
  • Wholesale trading & financing:  standard and bespoke trading agreements for oil, gas&power, LNG, emissions/renewables, coal, base and precious metals  (both physical and financial), repo agreements, pre-payment agreements, storage financing
  • Credit management: guarantees, CSAs, netting agreements
  • Shipping: voyage and time charterparties, demurrage claims, bills of lading issues, insurance